PERI-IMPLANTITIS: What your patient can do to avoid losing the implant - What you can do to avoid losing the patient
Presented by Dr. Herb Moskowitz, DDS; Dr. Arun Garg, DMD
On Demand Dental CE Webinar recorded April 4, 2024. Review April 4, 2025.
Scroll below for course description and instructions.
TITLE: PERI-IMPLANTITIS: What your patient can do to avoid losing the implant - What you can do to avoid losing the patient
COURSE FEE: Complimentary
CREDITS: This continuing education activity is designated for 1 credit
DURATION: This continuing education webinar will provide 60 minutes of education for a total of 60 minutes instruction. 1 live CE credits are offered upon successful completion of quiz and course evaluation.
AGD PACE SUBJECT CODE: 490 Periodontics
MODE: Electronically Mediated | On Demand CE Webinar | Recorded April 4, 2024 Review April 4, 2025
SPEAKER: Dr. Herb Moskowitz, Dr. Arun Garg (Bios below)
CE SUPPORTER: ioTech International, Implant Seminars
AUDIENCE: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists, Dental Assistants
TECHNOLOGY REQUIRED: Mobile device, laptop or desktop with internet connection | Google Chrome Browser
Watch the above recorded lecture. Do not fast forward, you may pause and resume at your own pace.
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COURSE SUMMARY: The lecture will discuss the increasing concern over the large number of implant failures due to peri-implantitis. It will also discuss the critical role of patient daily oral hygiene in maintaining peri-implant health and which oral hygiene products are proving most effective in maintaining implant longevity. Attendees will also learn the critical importance of patients taking ownership of the health of their implants and their responsibility in maintaining them daily, at home. When patients understand their role in implant maintenance and are educated in best practices for home care, then a failed implant does not become “the dentist’s screw-up.”
Understand the importance of having patients assume responsibility for peri-implant tissue health.
Implement office-based practices for maintaining and restoring optimal peri-implant tissue health.
Teach best home-care practices to patients for maintaining optimal peri-implant tissue health.
Describe the causes and the alarming frequency of implant failures in order to mitigate their future occurrence.
DISCLOSURE OF SPEAKER AND FACULTY COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: According to Dental CE Academy's Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy, faculty and speakers for any course are expected to disclose any economic support, personal interests, or potential bias that may be perceived as creating a conflict related to the material being presented. Disclosure statements are printed in each course description and announced by moderators or individual speakers at the beginning of each presentation. This policy is intended to alert the audience to any potential bias or conflict so that participants may form their own judgments about the material being presented.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE OF SPEAKER: This course receives educational support from ioTech International and Implant Seminars. Dr. Herb Moskowitz, DDS; is the Chairman and Co-Founder of ioTech International. He is a paid speaker and has a financial interest in ioTech International. Dr. Arun Garg, DMD is the CEO of Implant Seminars and declares a financial interest in Implant Seminars.
DENTAL CE ACADEMY DISCLAIMER: The views expressed and opinions and materials presented during these live and recorded presentations represent the personal views and opinions of the individual speaker and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Dental CE Academy or its parent company, Virtual Dontics®. Dental CE Academy assumes no responsibility for the content of the presentations made by the individual speakers. Any suggested protocols for treatment, materials, or services may be based upon the speaker's own clinical experience and should not be construed as Dental CE Academy recommended or endorsed. Selected presentations may include exploratory research or experimental procedures and are intended for informational purposes that may lead to interest and scientific breakthroughs in the fields of dentistry. Dental CE Academy appreciates its educators who share their knowledge and expertise. This level of dedication to dentistry allows our profession to expand and thrive and provokes necessary discussion and understanding.

Dr. Herb Moskowitz, DDS
Dr. Herb Moskowitz, DDS
Dr. Herb Moskowitz is the Chairman and Co-Founder of ioTech International. He is the co-author of ioTech's U.S. patent and global patent applications. He previously founded and served as Chairman and CEO of Advanced Tissue Sciences and Life Medical Sciences, two publicly traded medical technology companies. He has also practiced clinical dentistry for more than 25 years and is a graduate of the University of Tennessee Dental School.

Dr. Arun K. Garg, DMD
Dr. Arun K. Garg, DMD
Arun K. Garg, DMD, is a nationally recognized dental educator and surgeon who for over 20 years, served as a full-time Professor of Surgery in the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and as Director of Residency Training at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Frequently awarded faculty member of the year by his residents, Dr. Garg is considered the world's preeminent authority on bone biology, bone harvesting and bone grafting for dental implant surgery and has written and published nine books and a dental implant marketing kit which have been translated in multiple languages and distributed worldwide. He has been a featured speaker at dozens of state, national and international dental association conventions and meetings including the American Academy of Periodontology, the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Dr. Garg is the recipient of numerous awards including outstanding educator by the ICOI and an award for best article published by the Implant Dentistry Journal. Dr. Garg earned his engineering and dental degrees from the University of Florida and completed his residency training at the University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital. He is also the founder of Implant Seminars, a leading dental continuing education company that offers a variety of class-based, hands-on, and live patient programs in the United States and abroad.